All CHTC services, including the HPC Cluster, are restored

Date: Wed, 17 Jun 2020 09:04:36 -0500
From: chtc-users@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: All CHTC services, including the HPC Cluster, are restored

Greetings CHTC users,Â

Cooling has been restored to all CHTC server rooms and all of our services, including the HPC Cluster and all execute nodes of the HTC system are now available.

Because some of the HPC Cluster nodes were shut off abruptly last week, please email us at chtc@xxxxxxxxxxx if you experience any unexpected issues.Â

Thanks for your patience during this unexpected downtime.Â


Your CHTC team

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  • All CHTC services, including the HPC Cluster, are restored, chtc-users <=