Re: [theory students] Theory lunch and TCS+ talk NOON TODAY in 2310 (Sanjam Garg)

Date: Wed, 28 Feb 2018 11:06:39 -0600
From: Benjamin Miller <bmiller@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [theory students] Theory lunch and TCS+ talk NOON TODAY in 2310 (Sanjam Garg)
Hi all,

This is happening in an hour! See you there.


On Tue, Feb 27, 2018 at 11:22 AM, Benjamin Miller <bmiller@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all,

We'll meet for theory lunch and a TCS+ talk tomorrow (Wednesday) at noon in CS 2310. Sanjam Garg will be talking about "Identity-Based Encryption from the Diffie-Hellman Assumption" (see abstract below). See you there!


Title: Identity-Based Encryption from the Diffie-Hellman Assumption

Abstract: In this talk, I will describe new constructions of identity-based encryption based on the hardness of the Diffie-Hellman (without using groups with pairings) Problem. Previously, constructions based on this assumption were believed to be impossible. Our construction is based on new techniques that bypass the known impossibility results using garbled circuits that make a non-black-box use of the underlying cryptographic primitives. (Based on joint work with Nico DÃttling.)

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