Re: [pl-seminar] Today's Talk

Date: Mon, 13 Feb 2017 17:48:58 +0000
From: Samuel Drews <sedrews@xxxxxxxx>
Subject: Re: [pl-seminar] Today's Talk

Reminder: talk in about ten minutes.  Come if you want something to take your mind off of PLDI notifications.

Samuel Drews

From: Pl-seminar <pl-seminar-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of Qinheping HU <qhu28@xxxxxxxx>
Sent: Monday, February 13, 2017 4:52 AM
To: pl-seminar@xxxxxxxxxxx
Subject: [pl-seminar] Today's Talk

Hi everyone,

Today 12:00pm in 4310 CS, Samuel will give a talk about the paper Bridging Boolean and Quantitative Synthesis Using Smoothed Proof Search. 


We present a new technique for parameter synthesis under boolean and quantitative objectives. The input to the technique is a "sketch" --- a program with missing numerical parameters --- and a probabilistic assumption about the program's inputs. The goal is to automatically synthesize values for the parameters such that the resulting program satisfies: (1) a {boolean specification}, which states that the program must meet certain assertions, and (2) a {quantitative specification}, which assigns a real valued rating to every program and which the synthesizer is expected to optimize.

Our method --- called smoothed proof search --- reduces this task to a sequence of unconstrained smooth optimization problems that are then solved numerically. By iteratively solving these problems, we obtain parameter values that get closer and closer to meeting the boolean specification; at the limit, we obtain values that provably meet the specification. The approximations are computed using a new notion of smoothing for program abstractions, where an abstract transformer is approximated by a function that is continuous according to a metric over abstract states.

We present a prototype implementation of our synthesis procedure, and experimental results on two benchmarks from the embedded control domain. The experiments demonstrate the benefits of smoothed proof search over an approach that does not meet the boolean and quantitative synthesis goals simultaneously.


Qinheping Hu

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