[pl-seminar] Fwd: IBM Research Software Technology Department Summer Internship Opportunity

Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2013 11:26:58 -0600
From: Thomas Reps <reps@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [pl-seminar] Fwd: IBM Research Software Technology Department Summer Internship Opportunity

-------- Original Message --------
Subject: IBM Research Software Technology Department Summer Internship Opportunity
Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2013 12:17:56 -0500
From: Avraham E Shinnar <shinnar@xxxxxxxxxx>
To: Avraham E Shinnar <shinnar@xxxxxxxxxx>


IBM's Watson Research Lab has begun to recruit interns for 2013 for programming languages and software engineering. Attached is a short letter (provided in both plain text and pdf) describing our internship program. If you have a strong candidate in mind, please ask them to contact the intern coordinator identified in the document. This document may also be used as a flier that you can post throughout the department where it is accessible to students.

Kind regards,
Avi Shinnar (2013 intern coordinator)

(See attached file: IBM_RESEARCH_PLSE_Intern_Letter2013.txt)
(See attached file: IBM_RESEARCH_PLSE_Intern_Letter2013.pdf)

Attachment: IBM_RESEARCH_PLSE_Intern_Letter2013.txt
Description: Binary data

Attachment: IBM_RESEARCH_PLSE_Intern_Letter2013.pdf
Description: Adobe PDF document

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