[pl-seminar] Thursday, Sept. 1 @ 11 am in CS 2310

Date: Wed, 31 Aug 2005 08:47:08 -0500
From: Nick Kidd <kidd@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject: [pl-seminar] Thursday, Sept. 1 @ 11 am in CS 2310
Due to a scheduling conflict I rescheduled for 11 am. I apologize for the mixup. As a reminder, the talk is 25 minutes with cookies.


<-- Abstract -->
Information about string values at key points in a program
can help program understanding, reverse engineering, and
forensics. We present a static-analysis technique for recovering
possible string values in an executable program, when
no debug information or source code is available. The result
of our analysis is a regular language that describes a superset
of the string values possible at a given program point.
We also impart some of the lessons learned in the process of
implementing our analysis as a tool for recovering C-style
strings in x86 executables.

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  • [pl-seminar] Thursday, Sept. 1 @ 11 am in CS 2310, Nick Kidd <=