> -----Original Message-----
> From: Brent Hailpern [mailto:bth@xxxxxxxxxx]
> Sent: Friday, January 12, 2001 1:24 PM
> To: CS Math Faculty
> Subject: Summer intern positions at IBM Research
> The Computer Science and Mathematics departments of IBM Research are
> pleased to announce our 2001 Summer Intern Program. We are seeking
> graduate students in Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Electrical
> Engineering, Operations Research, and Mathematics interested in
> pursuing an
> exciting summer of research, prototyping, and exploring new frontiers of
> mathematics, computer science, and computer engineering. Students will
> have the opportunity to work with an outstanding research team on problems
> that range from the leading edge of theory to concrete problems of real
> users. There will also be a unique opportunity to network with dozens of
> other top graduate students from many different fields and schools.
> In Computer Science positions will be available in the following areas:
> - Algorithms and Theory
> - Artificial Intelligence
> - Communications
> - Computational Biology
> - Computer Architecture
> - Data Management
> - Distributed and Fault Tolerant Computing
> - eCommerce
> - Graphics and Visualization
> - Human Computer Interaction
> - Knowledge Discovery and Datamining
> - Mobile Computing
> - Multimedia
> - Natural Language Processing
> - Operating Systems
> - Performance Modelling and Analysis
> - Programming Languages and Software Engineering
> - Security
> - Web
> In Mathematics and other related fields, positions will be
> available in the
> following areas:
> - Algorithms and Theory
> - Computational Biology
> - Computer Music
> - Design Automation
> - Economics
> - Knowledge Discovery and Datamining
> - Management science
> - Operations Research
> - Pattern recognition
> - Statistics
> There are also positions in cross-disciplinary areas such as Personal
> Systems, Storage Systems, and Deep Computing.
> Positions are available in our 8 world-wide research locations: Almaden
> (California), Austin (Texas), Beijing (China), Delhi (India), Haifa
> (Israel), Tokyo (Japan), Watson (New York), and Zurich
> (Switzerland). Note
> that not every site will have summer positions in every subdiscipline.
> For further details, please see the attached official announcement (in PDF
> format) or our summer intern website:
> http://www.research.ibm.com/summerjobs.
> For information on our research in computer science and
> mathematics, please
> see http://www.research.ibm.com/compsci and
> http://www.research.ibm.com/math .
> (See attached file: IBM Research Summer Internships.pdf)
> ---------------------------------------------
> Dr. Brent Hailpern
> Associate Director, Computer Science
> IBM Thomas J Watson Research Center
> phone: +1-914-784-6821 / fax: +1-914-784-6078
> bth@xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
> http://www.research.ibm.com/people/b/bth/
Description: "IBM Research Summer Internships.pdf"