I am sorry for mailing out this announcement, but I am doing it
because I did not act quickly enough to get the announcement included
in the weekly talks listing.
Title of talk: Semantics-Preserving Procedure Extraction
When and where: 4pm, Thursday (12/9), Room 2310
Speaker: Raghavan Komondoor
Procedure extraction is an important program transformation that can
be used to make programs easier to understand and maintain, to
facilitate code reuse, and to convert "monolithic" code to modular or
object-oriented code. Procedure extraction involves the following
1. The statements to be extracted are identified (by the programmer
or by a programming tool).
2. If the statements are not contiguous, they are moved together so
that they form a sequence that can be extracted into a procedure,
and so that the semantics of the original code is preserved.
3. The statements are extracted into a new procedure, and are replaced
with an appropriate call.
In our work we address step 2: in particular, the conditions under
which it is possible to move a set of selected statements together
so that they become "extractable", while preserving semantics.
Since semantic equivalence is, in general, undecidable, we
identify sufficient conditions based on control and data
dependences, and define an algorithm that moves the selected
statements together when the conditions hold. We have been able
to device a proof that our algorithm is semantics-preserving.
While there has been considerable previous work on procedure
extraction, we believe ours is the first algorithm for
semantics-preserving procedure extraction given an arbitrary set
of selected statements in an arbitrary control-flow graph.