-N Programming Languages Seminar (Non-Standard Time)
-S John Mitchell
-F Stanford University
-T Analysis of Security Protocols
-D 09/20/99
-W Monday
-M 4:00 PM
-P 1325 CS
-C 3:30 PM
-K 1325 CS
A variety of simple protocols use cryptographic primitives for
authentication, secrecy, and other purposes. Two well-known examples
are the Kerberos authentication system and SSL, the standard protocol
used to establish secure communications for web purchases. Most basic
handshake protocols are three to five steps long, each step involving
a message containing three to eight numbers or strings. In spite of
their simplicity, cryptographic protocols can be extremely difficult
to analyze and debug. This talk will describe some of the basic
difficulties and summarize (in varying detail) three levels of
analysis we have pursued at Stanford: finite-state analysis, rewrite
rule presentations, and a framework for analyzing probabilistic
polynomial-time processes.