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Re: [HTCondor-users] Running non-gpu job on gpu machine referring Whats_New_condor_week_2023

It was difficult for me to do the testing on a GPU machine for a long time. I created a customer resource named GOLD.Â

# Define a new custom resource type (e.g., GPUs)
# Specify the number of GPUs available on this machine
BackfillSlot = true
ResourceConflict = "GOLD"
use FEATURE : PartitionableSlot(1, 100%)
use FEATURE : PartitionableSlot(2, 90%, GOLD=0)
SLOT_TYPE_2_PREEMPT = size(ResourceConflict?:"") > 0
# When it's time to go, it's time to go.

I am able to run the job requesting GOLD resources. But when I tried to run the job without GOLD resource with the following submit file it stays in idle status.

executable = sleep.sh
transfer_executable = false
arguments = 600
getenv = True
requirements = machine == "testnode.example.com"
should_transfer_files = NO
+BackfillJob = True
queue 1

Following is the output from slot2 of the destination machine with "condor_q --better-analyze <jobid> -reverse -machine <machinename>"

The Requirements _expression_ for this slot is

  START &&


 WithinResourceLimits is
  (MY.Cpus > 0 &&
   TARGET.RequestCpus <= MY.Cpus && MY.Memory > 0 &&
   TARGET.RequestMemory <= MY.Memory && MY.Disk > 0 &&
   TARGET.RequestDisk <= MY.Disk && (TARGET.RequestGOLD is undefined ||
    MY.GOLD >= TARGET.RequestGOLD))

This slot defines the following attributes:

  Cpus = 149
  Disk = 2945875554
  GOLD = 0
  Memory = 1382398

Job 1173.0 has the following attributes:

  TARGET.BackfillJob = true
  TARGET.RequestCpus = 1
  TARGET.RequestDisk = 3
  TARGET.RequestMemory = 2000

The Requirements _expression_ for this slot reduces to these conditions:

Step  ÂMatched ÂCondition
----- Â-------- Â---------
[0] Â Â Â Â Â 1 ÂSTART
[1] Â Â Â Â Â 1 ÂWithinResourceLimits

Thanks & Regards,
Vikrant Aggarwal

On Fri, Feb 7, 2025 at 8:52âPM Vikrant Aggarwal <ervikrant06@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:

Yes, I do have that in submit file of non-gpu job.

On Fri, Feb 7, 2025, 7:33âPM John M Knoeller via HTCondor-users <htcondor-users@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

says that in order to match with the backfill slot, a job must haveÂ


In the job classad. Do your non-gpu jobs have that?

From:ÂHTCondor-users <htcondor-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of Vikrant Aggarwal <ervikrant06@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent:ÂFriday, February 7, 2025 3:01 PM
To:ÂHTCondor-Users Mail List <htcondor-users@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Subject:Â[HTCondor-users] Running non-gpu job on gpu machine referring Whats_New_condor_week_2023
Hello Experts,

I was reading the presentation Whats_New_condor_week_2023Âand came across an interesting feature of backfill which I wanted to use on a gpu machine.Â

From the presentation, I made this configuration, my GPU job runs on the machine without any trouble.Â

use feature : GPUs
PreemptMaxRuntime = 4 * 24 * 60
ExemptMaxRuntime = 4 * 24 * 60

BackfillSlot = true
ResourceConflict = "GPUs"
use FEATURE : PartitionableSlot(1, 100%)
SLOT_TYPE_1_START = TARGET.RequestGpus > 0
use FEATURE : PartitionableSlot(2, 90%, GPUs=0)
SLOT_TYPE_2_PREEMPT = size(ResourceConflict?:"") > 0

However a non-gpu machine stays in idle status. --better-analyze doesn't reveal why it's in idle status.Â

executable = sleep.sh
transfer_executable = false
arguments = 600
should_transfer_files = NO
+BackfillJob = True
queue 1

following I see in better-analyze for second slot.Â

The Requirements _expression_ for this slot reduces to these conditions:

Step  ÂMatched ÂCondition
----- Â-------- Â---------
[0] Â Â Â Â Â 1 ÂSTART
[1] Â Â Â Â Â 1 ÂWithinResourceLimits

Am I missing anything in the configuration to make non-gpu jobs run on a gpu machine?Â

For clarity: at the time of testing no GPU job was running on that machine, it was a completely idle machine.Â

Also, is the featureÂPreferGPUJobs mentioned in ppt introduced yet or not, couldn't find anything in release notes about it.Â

Thanks & Regards,
Vikrant Aggarwal
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