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Re: [HTCondor-users] Setting up HTCondor on a cluster

This sounds like a form of glidein, submitting SLURM jobs that run the HTCondor daemons of an EP (execution point) that temporarily join an HTCondor pool to run HTCondor jobs. Am I correct in that assumption?

 - Jaime

> On Nov 3, 2024, at 1:45âPM, Kalsi, Yuvraj via HTCondor-users <htcondor-users@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
> Hi,
> I work with DIAG labs at MUN, and we are trying to set up HTCondor on the Compute Canada cluster. SLURM is currently being used as the meta scheduler on the Compute Canada cluster, we would like to implement HTCondor on this cluster. We would appreciate any suggestions or guidance on setting up HTCondor in an environment where we do not have root access or dedicated port access. We have attempted a few methods, but our lack of root access and restrictions on certain ports have posed challenges, as most of the commands require sudo privileges.
> Best
> Yuvraj Kalsi