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[HTCondor-users] '-nolog' option ?


every now-and-then we have the scenario that someone submitted 10k jobs or more but the output/logfile location is unaccessible. Maybe the quota is full, there is a typo in the path, there are mor than 64xxxxx files in the directory - choose your poison. 

What happens is - no matter what I do Condor will try to log every state change of these jobs in the user log file and fails. That seems to be very exhausting and the sched becomes very slow and unresponsive. 

Even if I try to directly remove these jobs everything is very slow for a couple of hours while condor tries to write inaccessible logfiles. 

Is there anything like a knob that says, delete these or put them in hold and forget about the logging do just that, no hokus-pokus around it ?  


Christoph Beyer
DESY Hamburg

Notkestr. 85
Building 02b, Room 009
22607 Hamburg

mail: christoph.beyer@xxxxxxx