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Re: [HTCondor-users] Help with software RASPA on HTCondor

Hello Todd,

It worked when I added the "getenv = True" option in the submission file. I was trying "environment" option to indicate the directory where the software is installed.

Another question: I had to explicitly specify the directories that should be transferred back after execution with the line:

transfer_output_files = Output, Movies, Restart, VTK

Shouldn't the following options be sufficient to ensure that all output files are transferred back?

should_transfer_files = YES
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT

Thank you for your help.

Em 29/08/2024 18:59, Todd Tannenbaum escreveu:
On 8/28/2024 6:56 PM, Bruno L Amadio Caires wrote:


I have HTCondor running in my environment, and I've successfully tested it with several software applications so far.

However, I'm currently encountering an issue with running the RASPA software. While RASPA is installed on the execution machine and runs perfectly when executed locally, it fails to produce any results when submitted through HTCondor. Moreover, the HTCondor log file "RASPA_error.err" does not indicate any errors, yet the expected output files from the RASPA execution do not appear on the HTCondor server.

Could you provide any insights or suggestions on how to resolve this issue?

Hi Bruno,

If I had to guess, there is some missing environment variable. You could try adding "getenv=true" to your submit file below and try again.

Another idea is doing "condor_submit -i <name of submit file>", which should drop you at an interactive ssh prompt in a slot that matches your requirements (HAS_RASPA=True) after your input files are transferred, with the same environment values. Then you could issue the command "/usr/local/bin/simulate" and debug the problem interactively which may make things much easier.

Let us know how it goes!



My submission file


universe = vanilla
executable = /usr/local/bin/simulate
arguments = -i simulation.input -d /usr/local/
output = RASPA_output.out
error = RASPA_error.err
log = RASPA_job.log
environment = "RASPA_DIR=/usr/local"
transfer_input_files = run, simulation.input
should_transfer_filesÂÂ = YES
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT
transfer_executable = False
requirements = HAS_RASPA



Thank you.

Bruno L. Amadio Caires

InformÃtica - FT

Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Bruno L. Amadio Caires

InformÃtica - FT

Universidade Estadual de Campinas

Fone / WhattsApp:(19)2113-3537