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Re: [HTCondor-users] [External] Cannot disable container transfer

Am 16.10.23 um 16:03 schrieb Pelletier, Michael V. RTX via HTCondor-users:

 From the looks of this submit description and the warning it's throwing, it appears that the "should_transfer_container" directive is not being recognized. Might be a bug?

Try replacing it with this:

MY.TransferContainer = false

This directly sets the job attribute that should_transfer_container is supposed to set on your behalf. That should prevent the job from transferring the container file. If this approach works, and the should_ approach doesn't, I expect the dev team will be interested in the details.


I have tried it, didn't work, the container was still transferred. After reading the docs I think disabling the container transfer must be done using the CONTAINER_SHARED_FS configuration macro. I'll test that later.


GÃtz Waschk                             Phone:  +49 33762 77169
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY   E-Mail: goetz.waschk@xxxxxxx
Platanenallee 6
15738 Zeuthen

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