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[HTCondor-users] Cannot disable container transfer

Hi everyone,

I have tried to submit a job running in the container universe. The container is on the shared AFS file system, but HTCondor insists on transferring it any way.

The submit file looks like this:
universe                = container
container_image         = /afs/ifh.de/project/singularity/images/SL6.sif
executable              = /bin/cat
arguments               = /etc/hosts
should_transfer_files   = YES
should_transfer_container = no
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT
output                  = out.$(Process)
error                   = err.$(Process)
log                     = log.$(Process)
request_memory          = 100M
queue 1

And the message by condor_submit:
WARNING: the line 'should_transfer_container = no' was unused by condor_submit.
Is it a typo?

I am running condor 10.0.9.

GÃtz Waschk
GÃtz Waschk                             Phone:  +49 33762 77169
Deutsches Elektronen-Synchrotron DESY   E-Mail: goetz.waschk@xxxxxxx
Platanenallee 6
15738 Zeuthen

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