Hi all,I am trying to submit grid universe jobs to our CondorCEs authorized by WLCGTokens - however the set up does not seem to be working.
I.e., we have a VOBox with daemons locally collector + negotiator + scheduler + gridmanager/gahp on Condor 9 [1], so that users can submit their grid universe job locally for the daemons to forward them to the CEs. Jobs submitted with a X509 proxy work, so that the submission file and local daemon set up should be in general OK. However when unsetting X509 and only using a token, the submission fails [1] as no proxy file is found. I guess gridmanager/gahp in Condor 9 do not support {Sci,WLCG}Tokens and we have to update the VOBox to 10.0/1, or?
Cheers, Thomas [1] condor-9.0.17-1.el7.x86_64 condor-classads-9.0.17-1.el7.x86_64 condor-externals-9.0.17-1.el7.x86_64 condor-procd-9.0.17-1.el7.x86_64 python2-condor-9.0.17-1.el7.x86_64 python3-condor-9.0.17-1.el7.x86_64 [2] > export BEARER_TOKEN_FILE=/tmp/token_$(id -u) > condor_submit belle.sub Submitting job(s)ERROR: unable to read proxy file [3] > cat belle.sub universe = grid use_x509userproxy = true X509UserProxy=$ENV(X509_USER_PROXY)grid_resource = condor grid-htcondorce1.desy.de grid-htcondorce1.desy.de:9619
# transfer_input_files = ${HOME}/k5-ca-proxy-belle.pem # environment = "X509_USER_PROXY=${HOME}/k5-ca-proxy-belle.pem" executable = belle.sh output = $(Cluster)_$(Process).out error = $(Cluster)_$(Process).err log = $(Cluster)_$(Process).logs ShouldTransferFiles = YES WhenToTransferOutput = ON_EXIT +remote_jobuniverse = 5 +remote_requirements = True +remote_ShouldTransferFiles = "YES" +remote_WhenToTransferOutput = "ON_EXIT" queue [4] > cat /tmp/token_$(id -u) | cut -d "." -f 2 | base64 -d 2>/dev/null | jq { "wlcg.ver": "1.0", "sub": "1ec796cb-250b-479d-a9e9-6509995adab0", "aud": "https://wlcg.cern.ch/jwt/v1/any", "nbf": 1679402025,"scope": "openid compute.create offline_access compute.read compute.cancel compute.modify",
"iss": "https://wlcg.cloud.cnaf.infn.it/", "exp": 1679403225, "iat": 1679402025, "jti": "448e3bf4-14e8-4aa7-a5ee-a396e38f83a3", "client_id": "5e4d8e45-2fa0-4a56-b646-113c3b0bf9c1" }
Description: S/MIME Cryptographic Signature