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Re: [HTCondor-users] Docker universe and file transfer plugins

Hi Todd,

thanks for your answer!

On 2023-06-07 22:17, Todd Tannenbaum wrote:

On 6/7/2023 6:22 AM, Jan Behrend wrote:
Hi everyone,

To transfer data these nodes have an additional 10GbE connection to a node which
in turn has access to the common file system.  
What is the nature of the access between these nodes and the common file system?  Do the nodes mount the file system or ?
The setup looks like this:
The common filesystem only exists on the APSUSE cluster and the head node, _not_ on the ProtoNip cluster.
I would still like to transfer job input data from the BeeGFS to the ProtoNip cluster.
Doing so I would like Condor to use the extra 10GbE and not the default 1GbE line.
As I understand this can be achieved with URL transfers using the standard http or a custom rsync plugin e.g.

Unfortunately our processing is heavily based on Docker, from which these plugins are explicitly excluded.

Not sure I understand the above....  Files transferred by HTCondor to the Execution Point (compute node) are deposited in the "job scratch directory"... For Docker Universe jobs, this scratch directory is volume mounted into the Docker container, so Docker universe jobs access these files same as non-Docker jobs.
The manual says:
"For transferring input files, URL specification is limited to jobs running under the vanilla universe and to a vm universe VM image file." [1]
So my question is:  If I cannot use URL file transfers with the Docker universe, how would you go about transferring job input data from APSUSE's BeeGFS to the ProtoNip cluster execution nodes?
Thanks for your help!
Cheers, Jan
[1] https://htcondor.readthedocs.io/en/latest/admin-manual/setting-up-special-environments.html
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