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[HTCondor-users] Facing issue with condor

Hi Guys,
         ÂI am setting up condors for the first time. I have installed Central Manager , Scheduler and Executors on dedicatedÂnodes.

But when I login to the schedulerÂnode and try to submit a test job, I face followingÂissue.Â

test@ms-r1[10:12:18]:~$ condor_submit testjob.sub

ERROR: Can't find address of local schedd

I can see the scheduler is running on schedulerÂnode

test@ms-r1[10:12:45]:~$ condor_status -schedd
Name      ÂMachine   ÂRunningJobs  IdleJobs  HeldJobs

ms-r1 Â Â Â Â Â ms-r1 Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â Â0 Â Â Â Â Â0 Â Â Â Â Â0

        TotalRunningJobs   ÂTotalIdleJobs   ÂTotalHeldJobs

    ÂTotal         0         Â0         Â0

test@ms-r1[10:17:25]:~$ ps -ef | grep condor
condor   Â7866    1 Â0 10:09 ?    Â00:00:00 /usr/sbin/condor_schedd -f
root    Â7867  Â7866 Â0 10:09 ?    Â00:00:00 condor_procd -A /var/run/condor/procd_pipe.SCHEDD -L /var/log/condor/ProcLog.SCHEDD -R 1000000 -S 60 -C 5010

Someone please help me in fixing it.Â
