I took over managementÂof the Google Cloud - HTCondor relationshipÂearlier this year. The Cloud project (kbatch-public) that hosts the images was temporarily disabled. Some security notificationsÂwent out just as I was getting ownershipÂof the project. I've resolved theÂunderlying problems and it should not happen again. You should have direct access to the images and I was able to deploy a simple cluster using the Marketplace solution .
Earlier in August, I also resolved a Marketplace problem concerning deploying machines without GPUs. I suspect you may have been the one to report the problem to the team at UW?
- The team at U. Wisconsin wants to take over the Marketplace solution but there are some legal challenges (U. of Wisconsin is officially part of the gov't)
- The images themselves have become out-of-date (HTCondor v8.8.1)
As a side project, I've been working on modernizing the solution to support 9.x security (IDTOKENs, etc) using Terraform, Packer and Ansible. I would like to release these as open source projects for the HTCondor community but I need to get approval and work out other details. My hope is that the Packer code would maintain up-to-date images for theÂMarketplace solution and also serve users like you.
Since you are a customer, I
mayÂ(may!) be able to share these interim solutions withÂyou directly under a non-OSS license. Please contact me at
tpdownes@xxxxxxxxxx if you are interested. I would also appreciate an e-mail describing how you are using HTCondor on GCP. Knowing that our customers use HTCondor helps justify our partnership with the U. Wisconsin.
Anyone else making use of HTCondor on Google Cloud should reach out, too!