Hello Dima,
Final thoughts: it is very likely that Selinux is the culprit. (and thus I cannot fix it.)
I tried many more things, including changing the location of TEMP and TMPDIR to a
/scratch directory "visible" to HTCondor with all permissions. However, this only added more errors from other software (ghostscript)
that could not find some temp files.
This forum discussion was useful to read:
[Solved] selinux - at wits end
From there it seemed that perhaps selinux does not allow to write within /var
but that is where the Condor Temp directories are located.
This perl page
dont-use-posix-to-create-temporary-files has a one-line script to check where the temporary folder is (and also shows temp file names on the fly. (Module File::Temp
is installed by default.)
perl -MFile::Temp=tempfile -le 'print +((tempfile())[1])'
At the very beginning of the
run.sh script that I send to HTcondor, the answer is:
And the condor temporary directory is:
But further down I change the location of TMP and TEMPDIR to
/tmp and the answer is after the
export â command is now: (hence no longer with
/var in the address)/tmp/Uj33_8mmOe
But the error persisted:
could not make temporary directory: `/tmp/Graph_Xmgrace_30' at /usr/local/share/perl5/Chart/Graph/Xmgrace.pm line 136.
So, it seems that if SELINUX is the culprit, it is not the location of the temporary folder, but rather simply the fact that the Xmgrace.pm
program wants to create a temporary directory at all.
On another test... I was able to run the HTcondor Docker container "htcondor/mini" and it worked... it is in fact a nice tool to learn. But it does not have the Docker Universe installed (requires to install
Docker engine etc.)
Thank you for the SElinux suggestion, it seems that the implication is that there is no readily solution to address this issue other than changing the Selinux rules. (but as an end-user I can't.)
Another solution will arise: not using the Docker container if possible and try to install everything natively on the cluster itself.
Thanks again,
From: HTCondor-users <htcondor-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of htcondor-users@xxxxxxxxxxx <htcondor-users@xxxxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Saturday, October 30, 2021 10:47 PM To: htcondor-users@xxxxxxxxxxx <htcondor-users@xxxxxxxxxxx> Cc: JEAN-YVES SGRO <jsgro@xxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: [HTCondor-users] could not make temporary directory: `/var/lib/condor/execute/dir_ Re: Fw: Xvfb | Docker Universe | Can't open display | (but works with docker run)
Hello Dima,
Thank you for your message.
I was not aware of Selinux, and I have read about it online.
It seems that a few years ago it caused problems with HTcondor.
The CentOS 7 within the container does not have this installed.
However, I finally found out that it is installed on the CentOS 7 running on the cluster that hosts HTcondor. It has a file called
which contains 2 uncommented lines that define the rules:
Since this is part of the cluster installation, I can't disable it.
I am just an "end - user."
I discovered a Docker image that has a HTcondor installed. I will try to run that on my Mac and submit the job this way. But I might not have enough RAM to do all that... CHecking the documentation this seems like a dauting task and may not prove that
Selinux is the culprit...
I had also thought of running a Docker image on the DOcker Universe to have "Double Docker" layers but it seems that in all cases the Kernel is shared in some way and that will probably not work.
I am trying to find an easier way to handle this, by perhaps creating an environment variable that provides a pre-defined temporary folder, pre-created, but I have not been successful in finding such customization on any of the
xmgrace documentation on how to tell the program to use that one.... I just found perldoc.perl.org/File::Temp , but I am not sure that this would help
in any way.
I am now trying with a directory created by the script.sh called Graph_Xmgrace_26 but 26 is not always the number used so it may not work. Indeed this time it is called... 27.
I discovered command to make many... I made 99 of them and made them all permissions:
mkdir -p Graph_Xmgrace_{1..99}
chmod a+rwx Graph_Xmgrace_* But still could not even use #27 again even though it clearly existed.
could not make temporary directory: `/var/lib/condor/execute/dir_5652/Graph_Xmgrace_27'
Thank you for your suggestions and that of Selinux...
I'll keep digging!
From: HTCondor-users <htcondor-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx> on behalf of dmitri.maziuk@xxxxxxxxx <dmitri.maziuk@xxxxxxxxx>
Sent: Friday, October 29, 2021 9:21 PM To: htcondor-users@xxxxxxxxxxx <htcondor-users@xxxxxxxxxxx> Subject: Re: [HTCondor-users] could not make temporary directory: `/var/lib/condor/execute/dir_ Re: Fw: Xvfb | Docker Universe | Can't open display | (but works with docker run) On 2021-10-29 6:02 PM, JEAN-YVES SGRO via HTCondor-users wrote:
... > Any idea? Did you disable selinux? Dima _______________________________________________ HTCondor-users mailing list To unsubscribe, send a message to htcondor-users-request@xxxxxxxxxxx with a subject: Unsubscribe You can also unsubscribe by visiting https://lists.cs.wisc.edu/mailman/listinfo/htcondor-users The archives can be found at: https://lists.cs.wisc.edu/archive/htcondor-users/ |