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Re: [HTCondor-users] No output file with pyROOT, using RECREATE

Hi Nathan,Â

I think you are missing transfer_output_files, put in your condor submit file both lines below:
transfer_output_files = "OutFile.root"
transfer_output_remap = "OutFile.root = myName_$(Process).root"
Because the first line tells condor the name of the output file and the second tells condor to remap it.

I hope it will work,
Best regards,
Romain Bouquet

LeÂven. 22 janv. 2021 ÃÂ10:19, Nathan Lalloue <lalloue@xxxxxxxxxxxxx> a ÃcritÂ:
Dear HTCondor community,

I am trying to run a script in python that makes use of ROOT, named "my_code.py" here.
This code reads the ROOT input file and creates an other one from it, named "OutFile.root", with the following line:

OutFile = ROOT.TFile("OutFile.root", "RECREATE")

Then, I run this script with HTCondor, with the following submit description file:

executable       = my_code.py
arguments       Â= $(myfile)
output         = output/job.$(ClusterId).$(ProcId).out
error         Â= error/job.$(ClusterId).$(ProcId).err
log          Â= log/job.$(ClusterId).log
transfer_input_files  = $(myfile)
transfer_output_remaps = "OutFile.root = myName_$(Process).root"
queue myfile matching *.root

I don't have any apparent error, but when I check in my submit directory, no file is created.
Could you please tell me what I am doing in a wrong way?

Thank you very much in advance.

Best regards,

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