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[HTCondor-users] TransferInputSizeMB = 0 though files were transfered
- Date: Wed, 22 Dec 2021 12:34:38 +0100 (CET)
- From: "Beyer, Christoph" <christoph.beyer@xxxxxxx>
- Subject: [HTCondor-users] TransferInputSizeMB = 0 though files were transfered
I try to bully some users that clog up the network connection of the sched with file tranfers but all TransferInputSizeMB entries in the job history are '0'
Here is an example, apparently files were transfered and the filesize is around 6MB:
ShouldTransferFiles = "YES"
TransferInFinished = 1640157505
TransferInStarted = 1640157504
TransferInput = "/nfs/dust/cms/user/bla/TopMass19/Trees_9_4_14/workdirs/work.ljetsmtop_211216_newBTagSF_cbmistag_2/gc-run.lib,/nfs/dust/cms/user/bla/TopMass19/Trees_9_4_14/workdirs/work.ljetsmtop_211216_newBTagSF_cbmistag_2/files/GCb107b0bc23f1/LOCAL/gc-sandbox.tar.gz,/nfs/dust/cms/user/bla/TopMass19/Trees_9_4_14/workdirs/work.ljetsmtop_211216_newBTagSF_cbmistag_2/sandbox/17187/job_17187.var"
TransferInputSizeMB = 0
Do I need any additional config to log the filesize of the initial transfer correctly ?
Christoph Beyer
DESY Hamburg
Notkestr. 85
Building 02b, Room 009
22607 Hamburg
mail: christoph.beyer@xxxxxxx