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[HTCondor-users] CREDD_POLLING_TIMEOUT infinite when not set ?


I just found some workernodes with the CREDD_POLLING_TIMEOUT not set and on those the credd waits infinite for days for the credential to appear which blocks the startd as well:  

Don't worry about the 17, different problem, this is recent (from today): 

11/22/17 02:25:52 (pid:50892) CREDMON: warning, got errno 2, waiting for /var/lib/condor/credential/kemp.cc to appear (retry: 20)
11/22/17 02:25:53 (pid:50892) CREDMON: warning, got errno 2, waiting for /var/lib/condor/credential/kemp.cc to appear (retry: 20)
11/22/17 02:25:54 (pid:50892) CREDMON: warning, got errno 2, waiting for /var/lib/condor/credential/kemp.cc to appear (retry: 20)
11/22/17 02:25:55 (pid:50892) CREDMON: warning, got errno 2, waiting for /var/lib/condor/credential/kemp.cc to appear (retry: 20)
11/22/17 02:25:56 (pid:50892) CREDMON: warning, got errno 2, waiting for /var/lib/condor/credential/kemp.cc to appear (retry: 20)
11/22/17 02:25:57 (pid:50892) CREDMON: warning, got errno 2, waiting for /var/lib/condor/credential/kemp.cc to appear (retry: 20)
11/23/17 00:51:39 (pid:50892) CREDMON: warning, got errno 2, waiting for /var/lib/condor/credential/kemp.cc to appear (retry: 20)
11/23/17 00:51:40 (pid:50892) CREDMON: warning, got errno 2, waiting for /var/lib/condor/credential/kemp.cc to appear (retry: 20)
11/23/17 00:51:41 (pid:50892) CREDMON: warning, got errno 2, waiting for /var/lib/condor/credential/kemp.cc to appear (retry: 20)
11/23/17 00:51:42 (pid:50892) CREDMON: warning, got errno 2, waiting for /var/lib/condor/credential/kemp.cc to appear (retry: 20)

This is on: 

[root@bird664 condor]# condor_master -v
$CondorVersion: 8.7.8 May 31 2018 BuildID: 442130 $
$CondorPlatform: x86_64_RedHat6 $


Christoph Beyer
DESY Hamburg

Notkestr. 85
Building 02b, Room 009
22607 Hamburg

mail: christoph.beyer@xxxxxxx