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---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- 5th International Symposium on Algorithmic Aspects of Cloud Computing (ALGOCLOUD 2019) co-located with ALGO 2019 9-10 September 2019, Munich, Germany Submission Deadline: June 28, 2019 https://algo2019.ak.in.tum.de/index.php/menue-algocloud/algocloud-overview ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ALGOCLOUD is an annual international forum bringing together researchers, students, and practitioners to present research activities and results on topics related to algorithmic, design, and development aspects of modern cloud-based systems. ALGOCLOUD 2019 is co-located with the ALGO 2019 (https://algo2019.ak.in.tum.de/), a leading international event of researchers working on algorithms and their engineering. ALGOCLOUD welcomes submissions on all theoretical, design, and implementation aspects of modern cloud-based systems. ALGOCLOUD is particularly interested in novel algorithms in the context of cloud computing, cloud architectures, as well as experimental work that evaluates contemporary cloud approaches and pertinent applications. ALGOCLOUD also welcomes demonstration manuscripts, which discuss successful elastic system developments, as well as experience/use-case articles and high-quality survey papers. Contributions may span a wide range of algorithms for modelling, practices for building and techniques for evaluating operations and services in a variety of systems, including but not limited to, virtualized infrastructures, cloud platforms, datacenters, cloud-storage options, cloud data management, non-traditional key-value stores on the cloud, HPC architectures, etc. TOPICS Submissions should focus on aspects of cloud-based systems and their algorithms, including (but not limited to) the following areas: - Analysis of Algorithms and Data Structures - Resource Management and Scheduling - Data Center and Infrastructure Management - Privacy, Security and Anonymization - Cloud-based applications - Virtualization and containers - Performance Models - Cloud deployment tools and their analysis - Novel programming models - Storage management - Fog and Edge Computing - Economic models and pricing - Energy and Power Management - Big Data and the Cloud - Network management and techniques - Caching and Load Balancing PROCEEDINGS Accepted papers will be included in the post-proceedings published by Springer in its Lecture Notes in Computer Science series. (http://www.springer.com/gp/computer-science/lncs) SUBMISSION GUIDELINES Submissions must have a length of up to 12 pages in LNCS format, excluding references and an optional appendix to be read at the discretion of the Program Committee. Papers should be submitted electronically via the EasyChair Submission system (https://easychair.org/conferences/?conf=algocloud2019). By submitting a paper the authors acknowledge that in case of acceptance at least one of the authors must register and attend ALGO 2019 and/or ALGOCLOUD 2019, and present the paper. IMPORTANT DATES - Paper submission: 28 June 2019 - Author notification: 22 July 2019 - Symposium: 10 September 2019 INVITED SPEAKER (to be decided) COMMITTEES Program Committee Olivier Beaumont (INRIA Bordeaux, France) Luiz Fernando Bittencourt (University of Campinas, Brazil) Ivona Brandic (Vienna University of Technology, Austria) (co-chair) Valeria Cardellini (University of Rome "Tor Vergata", Italy) Alex Delis (University of Athens, Greece) Elisabetta Di Nitto (Politecnico di Milano, Italy) Katerina Doka (National Technical University of Athens, Greece) Fanny Dufosse (INRIA Grenoble, France) Thomas Fahringer (University of Innsbruck, Austria) Thiago Genez (University of Cambridge, UK) (co-chair) Sarunas Girdzijauskas (KTH, Sweden) Anastasios Gounaris (Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, Greece) Raffaele Montella (Parthenope University of Naples, Italy) George Pallis (University of Cyprus, Cyprus) Alessandro Papadopoulos (MDH, Sweden) Ilia Pietri (Intracom SA, Greece) Guido Proietti (University of L'Aquila, Italy) Krzysztof Rzadca (University of Warsaw, Poland) Rizos Sakellariou (University of Manchester, UK) (co-chair) Rafael Brundo Uriante (IMT Institute for Advanced Studies Lucca, Italy) Steering Committee - Spyros Sioutas University of Patras, Greece) - Peter Triantafillou (University of Warwick, UK) - Christos D. Zaroliagis (University of Patras, Greece) |