Thanks for the reply. It is now seems to be clear. However, I am looking for the correct syntax for specifying the following example case * One machine allocating 4 cores * Two machines each allocating 2 cores * Four machines each allocating 1 cores Also, assume at the moment that a user wants to submit his job, the free cores are listed as below: * Machine1 with 1 cores * Machine2 Âwith 2 cores
Regards, Mahmood From: Jason Patton If you want to get output from multiple nodes of a parallel universe job, you'll need to include the $(Node) macro as part of your output/error file names. There are some examples in the manual: I really recommend thoroughly reading that page in the manual, it address a few use cases (e.g. making sure the entire job isn't taken down by Node 0 exiting early, requesting multiple cpu cores) that may be relevant for future jobs. However, with Open MPI jobs, all non-error/debug output should be directed to node 0, which is the only node on which mpirun is executed. The output you sent looks good and matches your submit file... machine_count = 2 so you only get output from two nodes (with one cpu core each by default). Those nodes may be two slots on the same machine, which seems to be what happened in your case (your job landed on two slots within compute-0-1). Jason |