Unlike slurm or PBS/Torque, HTCondor is not natively supported by Open
MPI as a launcher, so mpirun needs some help to set up the correct
environment. If your version of condor is new enough (v8.6+), there's
a bundled openmpiscript that should work for many cases.
The script should be in your examples directory (just like the
condor_config.local.dedicated_resource config example). On my machine,
this is:
http://research.cs.wisc.edu/htcondor/manual/current/2_9Parallel_Applications.htmlfor instructions on how to use the openmpiscript (MPI Applications
subheading under the Submission Examples heading).
There was a nice improvement made to openmpiscript (and its helper
scripts) in v8.7.4 which may also be used with the v8.6.x condor
versions. Let me know if you're interested in the updated scripts and
I can get them to you off list.