"All machines in the HTCondor pool advertise their resource properties, both static and dynamic, such as *available RAM memory*, CPU type, CPU speed, virtual memory size, physical location, and current load average, in a resource offer ad." --
Yeah, that phrasing is not so good; I can see why you'd think "available RAM memory" would be a dynamic attribute. This may mean that, like it reports system-wide usage for CPUs (with the misnamed LoadAvg), HTCondor should report system-wide usage of memory.
But just like a CPU core can be used by the owner and then free for Condor usage later, I would think RAM should be as well.
However, even for CPUs, HTCondor does not adjust the number of reported CPU cores based on usage; instead, it reports the usage and allows the startd administrator and the job submitter to decide how much overcommitment is too much. (As the admin, you can use the START expression to turn down new work if the machine is too busy and the PREEMPT expression to jettison old work.)
- ToddM