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Re: [HTCondor-users] Querying Startd classad from python bindings
- Date: Fri, 20 Oct 2017 14:25:51 -0500
- From: Todd Tannenbaum <tannenba@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [HTCondor-users] Querying Startd classad from python bindings
On 10/20/2017 2:14 AM, Antonio Delgado Peris wrote:
> Dear all,
> A (hopefully) quick question: does anybody know if there is a way to
> directly query a Startd (or other) daemon to get its classads, like
> 'condor_status -direct' does?
Yes, use method directQuery() in the Collector class. This will not communicate with the Collector, but will go directly to the startd (or schedd), just like condor_status -direct.
For example to directly query the startd on the local machine:
import htcondor
col = htcondor.Collector()
ad = coll.directQuery(htcondor.AdTypes.Startd)
And help details from the Python shell:
>>> help("htcondor.Collector.directQuery")
Help on method directQuery in htcondor.Collector:
htcondor.Collector.directQuery = directQuery(...) unbound htcondor.Collector method
directQuery( (Collector)arg1, (DaemonTypes)daemon_type [, (str)name='' [, (list)projection=[] [, (str)statistics='']]]) -> object :
Query a given daemon directly instead of returning a collector ad.
This may return more up-to-date or detailed information than what is in the collector.
:param daemon_type: Type of daemon; must be from the DaemonTypes enum.
:param name: Name of daemon to locate. If not specified, it searches for the local daemon.
:param projection: A list of attributes; if specified, the returned ads will be projected along these attributes.
:param statistics: A list of additional statistics to return, if the remote daemon has any.
:return: The ad of the matching daemon, from the daemon itself.
For gory details, here is the development ticket that added this functionality:
Hope this helps,