Subject: Re: [HTCondor-users] Only Match Machines Idle for > N Seconds
"HTCondor-users" <htcondor-users-bounces@xxxxxxxxxxx>
wrote on 11/04/2015 05:05:43 PM:
> From: William Strecker-Kellogg <willsk@xxxxxxx> > Date: 11/04/2015 05:06 PM >
> Hi,
> I wanted to restrict jobs to only match machines that have been quiet
for more
> than 5 minutes, by putting
> Requirements = (CurrentTime - EnteredCurrentState > 300)
> in my job description. Interestingly, the match is made successfully,
but it
> looks like the _expression_ is evaluated again once the match is made
and after
> EnteredCurrentState is updated, rendering it false and the job fails
to start:
> 11/04/15 16:49:51 (pid:14409) slot3: Job Requirements check failed!
> Does anybody have an idea of a way to accomplish this that would work?
> Thanks,
> Will
If you say add || State =!= "Unclaimed"
at the end of it, it will only apply the time interval to the unclaimed state rather than
Matched or Claimed.