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[HTCondor-users] Windows batch file parameter with spaces
- Date: Wed, 01 Apr 2015 16:04:03 +1300
- From: jcalitz <j.calitz@xxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [HTCondor-users] Windows batch file parameter with spaces
I'm trying to pass the path of Rscript, stored as a variable on the
execution machine, as a parameter to a batch script. The path is
however split at the space when passed to the batch file.
On the execution node, the owner will have
HAS_R = True
R_PATH = "C:\Program Files\R\R-3.1.1\bin"
On the submission machine, the submission file contains
Executable = run$$(OpSys).bat
transfer_input_files = test.R
arguments = $$(R_PATH) $(Process)
The batchfile runWINDOWS.bat is just a simple test script:
echo "A" %~f1
echo "B" %~dp1
echo "C" %~ftza1
echo "D %~1
echo "E %1
%~1%\Rscript.exe test.R %2
Output from the batchfile
"A" C:\Program\
"B" C:\Program\
"C" C:\Program\
"D C:\Program\
"E C:\Program\
All solutions I found points to using %~1 to keep the path together.
Clearly not today. :) Our current solution is to specify the version as
well on the execute node, thus providing a way to check for the version
and run a specific batch file (run$$(OpSys)$$(HAS_R_VER).bat .
Any ideas?
Kind regards
Hannes Calitz