*** New Call for Tutorial Proposals *** 8th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Utility and Cloud Computing (UCC 2015) December 07-10, 2015, St. Raphael Resort, Limassol, Cyprus http://cyprusconferences.org/ucc2015/?page_id=935 *** Final Extended Deadline: August 7th, 2015 *** CONTEXT AND SCOPE Cloud Computing delivers computational resources on-demand as services that are commoditized and delivered analogous to traditional utilities such as electricity, gas, water and telephony. Cloud service offerings for compute, storage and communication resources as well as for hosted software and data are growing at a tremendous rate, and it is essential to understand how to effectively transform these services into Utilities that provide value to both users and providers. There is also increasing interest from commercial providers to offer business and revenue models around the services they offer. Understanding how these models could be used to provide utility for users, intermediary brokers (aggregators) and providers is also an area of active research. UCC is the premier IEEE/ACM conference covering all areas related to Cloud Computing as a Utility and provides an international forum for leading researchers and practitioners in this important and growing field. UCC 2015, to be held in Cyprus, will happen as Cloud providers worldwide add new services and increase Cloud utility at an accelerated pace, and Cloud service users explore new usage modes. This will be the 8th UCC in a successful conference series. Previous events were held in Shanghai, China (Cloud 2009), Melbourne, Australia (Cloud 2010 & UCC 2011), Chennai, India (UCC 2010), Chicago, USA (UCC 2012), Dresden, Germany (UCC2013), and London, UK (UCC 2014). TUTORIAL PROPOSAL REQUIREMENTS Each tutorial proposal must contain the following: Title. Name and Affiliation of the Speaker(s). Abstract (one paragraph, 200 words max., including previous experience with such tutorials). Intended Audience (one paragraph) and prerequisites: Describe the background assumed of tutorial attendees (i.e. beginner, intermediate, advanced), and any requirements needed (e.g. bring own laptop). Learning Outcome (one paragraph): Describe the benefit, knowledge or skill that will be gained by attendees. Description (no more than 2 pages): A statement giving clear motivation /justification for the topic to be presented at UCC 2015 and a comprehensive outline of the proposed content. Statement on if this tutorial has been given before and if so how this presentation will be different. Materials (one paragraph): A description of materials to be provided to attendees on the conference website course slides, annotated bibliography, code snippets, etc. NOTE: the materials themselves do not need to be provided in the proposal. Bio-sketch: A single paragraph bio-sketch per tutorial presenter. Requested tutorial length (preferably half-a-day). Tutorial proposals should be submitted in PDF format by email to the tutorial chairs by the 7th of August, 2015. RESPONSIBILITIES Materials for the tutorial must be emailed by the 13th of November 2015 at the latest. The UCC 2015 Conference Organizing Committee will be responsible for the following: Providing logistics support and a meeting place for the tutorial. In conjunction with the organizers, determining the tutorial date and time. Providing copies of the tutorial materials to attendees. IMPORTANT DATES Tutorial proposals due: 07 August, 2015 (final extended deadline) Notification of tutorial proposals: 14 August, 2015 Final description of accepted proposals: 14 September, 2015 Tutorial slides due: 13 November, 2015 COMMITTEES General Chairs Ashiq Anjum, University of Derby, UK George Papadopoulos, University of Cyprus Program Committee Chairs Manish Parashar, Rutgers University, USA (parashar AT rutgers.edu) Omer Rana, Cardiff University, UK (ranaof AT cardiff.ac.uk) Standards/Plug-fest Chair Alan Sill, Texas Tech, USA & Open Grid Forum Workshops Chairs Ilkay Altintas, SDSC, USA (altintas AT sdsc.edu) Josef Spillner, TU Dresden, Germany (josef.spillner AT tu-dresden.de) Tutorials Chairs Ewa Deelman, USC, USA (deelman AT isi.edu) Rafael Tolosana, Univ. of Zaragoza, Spain (rafaelt AT unizar.es) Posters Chair Khalid Elgazzar, Queen's University, Kingston, Canada PhD Symposium Chair Kenneth Johnson, Auckland University of Technology, New Zealand Cloud Challenge 2015 Chair Ian Taylor, Cardiff University, UK Industry Chair Achilleas Achilleos, University of Cyprus, Cyprus Proceedings Chairs Nick Antonopoulos, University of Derby, UK George Palis, University of Cyprus, Cyprus Publicity Chair Georgia Kapitsaki, University of Cyprus, Cyprus Program Committee http://cyprusconferences.org/ucc2015/?page_id=281 |
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