Call for Poster Submissions
SC15, Austin Convention Center, Austin, TX November 15 – 20, 2015
Submissions Open: April 01, 2015
Poster Submission Deadline: July 31, 2015
Notification Sent: September 8, 2015
Web Submissions:
Email Contact and Questions: posters@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
SC15 is soliciting submissions for posters that display cutting-edge research and work in progress in high performance computing, storage, networking and analysis. Posters provide an excellent opportunity for short presentations and informal discussions with
conference attendees.
Posters will be prominently displayed for the duration of the conference, giving presenters a chance to showcase their latest results and innovations. The presented posters will be digitally archived and made publicly available after the conference. A Best
Poster Award will be presented based on quality of research work and quality of poster presentation.
ACM Student Research Competition (SRC): SC15 will also host the ACM Student Research Competition (SRC). This competition will feature posters from undergraduate and graduate students showcasing original student research. An SRC poster may be authored by exactly
one graduate student or up to 2 undergraduate students (optionally with the advisor). Student authors must be active ACM members. The ACM SRC pre-selection will happen during the poster reception and selected poster presenters will be given the opportunity
to present their work in short talks on Wednesday. The ACM SRC committee will select a set of winners based on their poster content and presentation style. ACM’s SRC program covers expenses up to $500 for all students invited to the SRC.
Embedded Multimedia Content: This year, we are encouraging authors to explore the integration of remotely hosted multimedia elements accessible through embedded QR codes into the poster. The goal of the embedded multimedia elements should be to enhance the
presentation of research in the poster. Such elements may include a video narration of the poster by the author, links to results, movies, graphics, datasets, codes, etc. Note that extended versions of the poster or related publications will not be considered
as acceptable multimedia elements in this context. The elements will be expected to be accessible using QR readers on smart phones and tablets (such as the reader included in the SC mobile app) during the conference while the poster is displayed. While the
use of multimedia is not mandatory, creative multimedia integrations will be considered while evaluating posters for the Best Poster Award. Note that the conference will not provide services or infrastructure for hosting the embedded content.
As in past years, SC15 is soliciting two different types of posters: (1) Regular Posters and (2) ACM Student Research Competition Posters. Submissions for either type of poster must include:
(1) A 150 word abstract,
(2) A draft of the poster, and
(3) An up to 800 word extended abstract/summary (including references) in the SC15 technical paper format. There are separate submission forms for the two different types of posters. A poster may only be submitted as one type.
All posters can be submitted in up to two of the following categories: Algorithms; Applications; Architectures and Networks; Clouds and Distributed Computing; Data Analytics, Visualization and Storage; Performance; Programming Systems; State-of-the-Practice;
System Software; and Education.
For submission details, see the sample submission forms at the login page of the submission website:
SC15 Posters Chair
Manish Parashar (Rutgers University)
SC15 Posters Vice Co-Chairs
Dorian Arnold (University of New Mexico)
Michela Becchi (University of Missouri - Columbia)
Michela Becchi
Assistant Professor
Dept. of Electrical and Computer Engineering
349 Engineering Building West
University of Missouri
Columbia, MO 65211
Phone: (573) 882-4499; Fax: (573) 882-0397
Lab Website: