Hi Brian,
thanks for your quick reply!
It says 'hold on user request' - and when I manually release it, it works; which is why I thought in the first place to check whether the 'sentinel' script could be the culprit. From the 'condor_qsub' manual, it says 'condor_qsubÂpermits the submission of dependent jobs without the need to specify the full dependency graph at submission time. Doing things this way is neither as efficient as HTCondor's DAGMan, nor as functional as SGE'sÂqsubÂorÂqalter.' I think there is nothing I can do about this, given that I can't reallyÂprogram. Also, this script seems to run for other people, so I'm wondering whether it's something about the mac environment that might make a difference to whether commands are run from within condor or from the terminal directly?
Many thanks