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Re: [HTCondor-users] Mixing version 7 and 8 of HTCondor

On Wed, Jan 21, 2015 at 6:48 AM, Ian Cottam <Ian.Cottam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:

> We have had a request from a research group for some Windows compute
> nodes. If I just download the latest stable release (i.e. a version 8
> series) will there be any issues matchmaking and submitting jobs (from
> 7.8.4)?
I seem to recall having a customer with that kind of environment
recently and it not being an issue. I know I've done the reverse (8.0
schedd with 7.6 collector and executes).

> If
> there are issues, can I download a version 7 Windows-based HTCondor
> [from]?)
I have ZIP files and MSIs for 7.8.8 if you need to revert.


Ben Cotton
main: 888.292.5320

Cycle Computing
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