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[HTCondor-users] Jobs on Windows and heterogeneous pool
- Date: Tue, 7 May 2013 07:34:38 +0000 (UTC)
- From: Romain <nuelromain@xxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [HTCondor-users] Jobs on Windows and heterogeneous pool
Hi everybody,
I've some troubles with executing jobs on Windows, jobs get on hold quickly
after submission, there's some parametrer to set in condor_config
differently for Windows that from Linux ?
I would like to know the better solution(s) for run simply and effectively
run jobs on an heterogeneous pool composed of Windows (7) and Linux (Ubuntu
12.04/Bio-Linux 7) machines.
So I do test and I've problem to :
- send job for Windows from a Linux machine
- run job on Windows (they get on hold quickly after submission)
My goal is to submit jobs most simply as possible (at a time) to be run on
Linux or Windows indifferently.
The solution is it to use a Linux "simulator" on Windows ? (I know nothing
about this)
For softwares that exists on Windows AND Linux there's a method ?
For example Blast on Windows create a directory that is same as on Linux
What kind of submit file should I do ?
This is the one I do (for Windows) :
universe = vanilla
executable = C:\Program Files\NCBI\blast-2.2.28+\bin\blastn.exe
arguments = -query Z:\xxxx\xxxx\xxxx.fna -db
Z:\xxxx\xxxx\xxxx-out Z:\xxxx\xxxx\folder_out\xxxx$(Cluster)_$(Process).out
log =
output =
error =
requirements = ( OpSys == "WINDOWS" )
getenv = true
Thank you in advance
Have a nice day
-* Romain *-