I've searched the list, and the faq, but can't seem to make any headway on this problem.
So it's dumb question time.
I want to create machine groups, to make it easier for my users to select certain machines, so
BugCluster = ( (Machine == "compute-0-1.local") || (Machine == "compute-0-2.local") || (Machine == "compute-0-3.local") || (Machine == "compute-0-4.local") || (Machine == "compute-0-5.local") || (Machine == "compute-0-6.local") || (Machine == "compute-0-7.local") || (Machine == "compute-0-8.local") || (Machine == "compute-0-9.local") || (Machine == "compute-0-10.local") )
BugAll = ( $(BugCluster) || $(Bugs) || (Machine == "compute-0-11.local") )
after a condor_config
[root@bugserv1 etc]# condor_config_val -dump | grep -i bug
BUGALL = ( $(BugCluster) || $(Bugs) || (Machine == "compute-0-11.local") )
BUGCLUSTER = ( (Machine == "compute-0-1.local") || (Machine == "compute-0-2.local") || (Machine == "compute-0-3.local") || (Machine == "compute-0-4.local") || (Machine == "compute-0-5.local") || (Machine == "compute-0-6.local") || (Machine == "compute-0-7.local") || (Machine == "compute-0-8.local") || (Machine == "compute-0-9.local") || (Machine == "compute-0-10.local") )
this simple submit file
## run distributed blast ##
## Condor submit description file ##
getenv = True
universe = Vanilla
initialdir = /net/bugserv1/data/orser/tests
executable = /share/apps/ncbi-blast-2.2.24+/bin/blastn
requirements = $(BUGALL) && Memory > 0
input = /dev/null
output = results/ncbi++_blastp_all.$(Cluster).$(Process).out
WhenToTransferOutput = ON_EXIT_OR_EVICT
error = results/ncbi++_blastp_all.$(Cluster).$(Process).err
log = results/ncbi++_blastp_all.$(Cluster).$(Process).log
notification = Error
arguments = "-db /share/data/db/nt -query /net/bugserv1/data/orser/tests/data/gdo0001.fas -culling_limit 20 -evalue 1E-5 -num_descriptions 10 -num_alignments 100 -parse_deflines -show_gis -outfmt 5"
is generating this error
condor_submit subs/ncbi++_blastp_all.sub
Submitting job(s)
ERROR: Parse error in _expression_:
Requirements = ( && Memory > 0) && (Arch == "X86_64") && (OpSys == "LINUX") && (Disk >= DiskUsage)&& (HasFileTransfer)
Error in submit file
It is like it is not recognizing the $(BUGALL) macro/_expression_
It's the same if I test with both $(BUGS) or $(BUGCLUSTER)
Any ideas?
Must be something simple that I'm missing...
condor_status -master -format "%s\n" CondorVersion | sort | uniq -c
20 $CondorVersion: 7.2.4 Apr 11 2010 $
12 $CondorVersion: 7.4.2 Mar 29 2010 BuildID: 227044 $
on a rocks 5.4 cluster
ubuntu 10.04 distributed machines
Cheers, Gary