I turned on full debug and gotŠ
07/28 17:40:52 slot1: Sent update to 1 collector(s)
07/28 17:41:17 allHibernating: resource #1: 'RAM' (0x4)
07/28 17:41:17 ResMgr: This machine is about to enter hibernation
07/28 17:41:17 In ResMgr::disableResources ()
07/28 17:41:17 slot1: Failed to locate collector host.
07/28 17:41:17 All resources disabled: no.
07/28 17:41:17 All resources disabled: no.
The above repeat periodically.
Does that help anyone spot the issue?
On 28/07/2011 12:22, "Ian Cottam"<Ian.Cottam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Hi all,
I'm testing (7.4's) power management. So far I have added Rooster to our
Matchmaker and defined Offline_Log; I have also
set up a single Linux box to hibernate. The Condor log on it says
hibernation is activated (or similar wording).
I'm using a hibernate_check_interval of 300 and a timetowait of
Other macros as given in the manual.
I've also checked the BIOS on the Linux box.
Early days in my testing but after over an hour no hibernation to be seen.
Any comments?
Or, would anyone else care to share the values they are successfully
Ian Cottam
IT Services for Research
Faculty of EPS
The University of Manchester
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