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Re: [Condor-users] 7.4 Power management
I turned on full debug and gotŠ
07/28 17:40:52 slot1: Sent update to 1 collector(s)
07/28 17:41:17 allHibernating: resource #1: 'RAM' (0x4)
07/28 17:41:17 ResMgr: This machine is about to enter hibernation
07/28 17:41:17 In ResMgr::disableResources ()
07/28 17:41:17 slot1: Failed to locate collector host.
07/28 17:41:17 All resources disabled: no.
07/28 17:41:17 All resources disabled: no.
The above repeat periodically.
Does that help anyone spot the issue?
On 28/07/2011 12:22, "Ian Cottam" <Ian.Cottam@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
>Hi all,
>I'm testing (7.4's) power management. So far I have added Rooster to our
>Matchmaker and defined Offline_Log; I have also
>set up a single Linux box to hibernate. The Condor log on it says
>hibernation is activated (or similar wording).
>I'm using a hibernate_check_interval of 300 and a timetowait of
>Other macros as given in the manual.
>I've also checked the BIOS on the Linux box.
>Early days in my testing but after over an hour no hibernation to be seen.
>Any comments?
>Or, would anyone else care to share the values they are successfully
>Ian Cottam
>IT Services for Research
>Faculty of EPS
>The University of Manchester
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