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Re: [Condor-users] [Possible Bug?] Macros not allowed in log file name in DAG node submit files

Someone should take a look at this and make it more user-friendly. The concern in the manual validly applies to macros like Cluster and Process, they are guaranteed to change between invocations. However, there are many macros, those that assist in templating, for which the concern does not apply -- Ka-Hei Law provides a very nice example.



On 08/13/2011 08:00 AM, Nathan Panike wrote:
It is documented in the manual:

An additional restriction applies to the submit description file command Log
specific to a Condor job within a DAG node. This command may not be defined in
such a way that it uses macros. Using a macro would violate the restriction
that there be exactly one log file specified for the potentially multiple jobs
within a single cluster.

Nathan Panike

On Fri, Aug 12, 2011 at 11:14:36PM -0400, Ka-Hei Law wrote:
Dear all,

When I try to use a single job script for mulitple jobs in DAGMan, I
get the following error:
MultiLogFiles: macros ('$(...') not allowed in log file name
($(id).condor_log) in DAG node submit files

See below for my job script. It contains a $(id) macro in the log
file name, where $(id) is defined with "Vars" in the DAG script.
According to the example in the documentation (under the heading
"Single submit description file" in link [1]), this should work.

As a result, condor is not saving log files for the individual jobs.
Is it possibly a bug? Should I post it on the bug tracker?

PS: Similar questions [2, 3] have been asked before but no one
replied. Hopefully someone will see this post :-)

============= Job script =============
Universe   = standard
requirements = (Arch == "X86_64")&&  (OpSys == "LINUX")
Executable = /path/to/binary
transfer_executable = TRUE
should_transfer_files = IF_NEEDED
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT
Arguments  = $(param)
Output     = $(id).stdout
Error      = $(id).stderr
Log        = $(id).condor_log

============= DAG script =============
JOBSTATE_LOG     dag_log
JOB   RT000-rt0.01 itersave.condor_job
VARS  RT000-rt0.01 param="000 GT"
VARS  RT000-rt0.01 id="RT000-rt0.01"
RETRY RT000-rt0.01 3
JOB   RT001-rt0.01 itersave.condor_job
VARS  RT001-rt0.01 param="001 GT"
VARS  RT001-rt0.01 id="RT001-rt0.01"
RETRY RT001-rt0.01 3
(and more)

[1]: http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor/manual/v7.6/2_10DAGMan_Applications.html#SECTION0031012000000000000000
[2]: https://www-auth.cs.wisc.edu/lists/condor-users/2011-March/msg00144.shtml
[3]: https://www-auth.cs.wisc.edu/lists/condor-users/2007-May/msg00402.shtml
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