We don't really need the fair-share priority calculations discussed
in the User
Priorities section of the manual. All we need is to sometimes
guarantee that user Bob can dominate 20 fast (high MIPS) slots for a
weeks and that user Joe can dominate 10 fast slots. We don't need
either; it's fine if Bob and Joe simply take over the fast slots as
they come
Can the priority system I've described be set up with Condor? I can't
glean how
from the manual myself. A per-user "static group quota"? Perhaps I
misunderstand the default algorithm and what I can do with
If I understand correctly I need to customize the default algorithm
in two
ways: 1) I don't want relative EUPs to determine allocations. I want
explicitly guarantee a user X slots regardless of what anybody has
been doing.
2) Half-life and usage time are irrelevant; I want my explicit
"priorities" to
persist indefinitely until manually changed.
I guess RANK clauses on the fast machines in the style of
'RANK = (Owner == "Bob")' would suffice, but I hope there's a more
elegant way.
Repeatedly editing the fast machine configs would be very unwieldy.