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Re: [Condor-users] cluster number in shell script (sh)
- Date: Tue, 30 Nov 2010 09:38:01 -0600
- From: "David J. Herzfeld" <david.herzfeld@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [Condor-users] cluster number in shell script (sh)
You may want to consider defining a custom key-value pair in your
submission file that you can keep track of. It looks like you are
already using the variable nn to keep track of a unique "cluster key,"
so it seems like a good choice.
Here is a very quick-n-dirty example of what I mean (obviously it will
need a bit of tweaking for your application). In the example, I use
MY_CLUSTER_VALUE to store an integer number (which you could replace
with ${nn} in your script). I then just look for all log files that
start with this cluster value after waiting on the log file.
# The log directory
rm -rf $LOG_DIR 2>/dev/null
mkdir $LOG_DIR
# Submission files (that we are making)
# Create the submission file
Universe = vanilla
Executable = /bin/sleep
Arguments = 10
Log = ${LOG_DIR}/log
Output = ${LOG_DIR}/\$(MY_CLUSTER_VALUE).\$(Process).out
Error = ${LOG_DIR}/\$(MY_CLUSTER_VALUE).\$(Process).err
when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT
transfer_executable = NO
queue 10
queue 10
condor_submit ${SUBMIT_FILE}
condor_wait ${LOG_DIR}/log
# This could easily be scripted...
cat $LOG_DIR/1.*.out $LOG_DIR/1.*.err > $LOG_DIR/1.log
rm -rf $LOG_DIR/1.*.out $LOG_DIR/1.*.err
cat $LOG_DIR/2.*.out $LOG_DIR/2.*.err > $LOG_DIR/2.log
rm -rf $LOG_DIR/2.*.out $LOG_DIR/2.*.err
exit 0
Best regards,
On 11/30/2010 06:57 AM, Alexandru Chiscan wrote:
> On 11/29/2010 05:13 PM, Steven Timm wrote:
>> yes, set
>> log=filename.$(cluster)
> Yes, I know about $(cluster). The problem is that I want to know the
> cluster number generated by a condor_submit command called in a shell
> script like this:
> #!/bin/sh -f
> job=$0.$$.submit
> LOGDIR=$0.$$
> mkdir $LOGDIR
> arg="-v"
> echo "Universe=vanilla" >> ${job}
> echo "Executable=/bin/exe" >> ${job}
> echo "Input=/dev/null" >> ${job}
> echo "Output=${LOGDIR}/out.\$(Process) " >> ${job}
> echo "Error=${LOGDIR}/err.\$(Process) " >> ${job}
> echo "log=${LOGDIR}/log " >> ${job}
> echo "transfer_executable=yes" >> ${job}
> echo "when_to_transfer_output = ON_EXIT" >> ${job}
> nn=0
> for ((j=1;j<1000;j++)) ; do
> echo "Arguments=${arg} $j" >> ${job}
> echo "Queue" >> ${job}
> echo "" >> ${job}
> nn=`expr $nn + 1`
> done
> condor_submit ${job}
> condor_wait ${LOGDIR}/log
> Here I want to know the cluster number in order to regroup all the
> Output and Error files in one file named $(cluster).log
> For the moment the only ideea I have is to parse the output of
> condor_submit like this:
> c_submit=`condor_submit ${submit}`
> exit_status=$?
> if [ ${exit_status} != 0 ]; then
> exit ${exit_status}
> fi
> *cluster=`echo ${c_submit} | grep "submitted to cluster" | awk '{print
> $NF}' `*
> but this is dependent on the output of the condor_submit command which
> could change in other version of Condor.
> I want to use the cluster number because it is unique (unlike $$ which
> is the PID of the shell and for sure will be reused by the system).
> Best regards,
> Alexandru
>> in your condor submit file
>> and the log file will be created accordingly.
>> Steve timm
>> On Mon, 29 Nov 2010, Alexandru Chiscan wrote:
>>> Hello all,
>>> I am using shell scripts to generate condor submit files and to submit
>>> them.
>>> The scripts generate clusters with many jobs (hundreds) and I want at
>>> the end to have in one log file the output and the error log of all the
>>> jobs in the cluster. For the moment I am using the shell name and pid
>>> for the log name ( $0.$$ ) but the pid will be reused and I will like to
>>> use the cluster number for it - which should be unique (or not?).
>>> Is there any way to get the cluster number in the script without having
>>> to parse the output of the condor_submit command?
>>> cluster=`condor_submit job.submit | grep "submitted to cluster" | awk
>>> '{print $6} `
>>> echo "cluster $cluster"
>>> Regards,
>>> Alexandru
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