Thank you for your answer, I got a big step further! I created a file "masterlog" in my condor directory with condor as owner and added to all "condor_config"-files MASTER_LOG=/opt/condor-7.4.4/masterlog Now condor_master runs without any errormessages. But now I have the next problem:After that there are no condor-processes running. ps or htop show nothing condor related.
PATH is set, CONDOR_CONFIG is set, I am running out of ideas... Nic
MASTER_LOG is a required parameter in condor's configuration file. I'd look to see if it's defined in your configuration files, and if not define it. Nicolaï Kondratieff wrote:Hello, I tried to install condor on SuSe 11.2,I downloaded the condor-7.4.4linux-x86-rhel5-dynamic.1-i386.rpm, then did a rpm -ivh. I tried to do a condor_install, full install, step-by-step, as written in the manual.But executing ./condor_master gives:ERROR "No 'MASTER_LOG' parameter specified." at line 170 in file dprintf_config.cI can't find that file. What can I do now? Nic ------------------------------------------------- Nicolaï Kondratieff Lehrstuhl für Biotechnik Henkestraße 91 91052 Erlangen 09131/8523083 _______________________________________________Condor-users mailing list To unsubscribe, send a message to condor-users-request@xxxxxxxxxxx with a subject: Unsubscribe You can also unsubscribe by visiting The archives can be found at:
-- ------------------------------------------------- Nicolaï Kondratieff Lehrstuhl für Biotechnik Henkestraße 91 91052 Erlangen 09131/8523083