I would like to configure our Condor pool such that if a user causes any keyboard or console activity all slots become claimed by the owner. Currently, only one slot is claimed and therefore the other slots are available for execution of jobs.
Is it possible to configure Condor to behave like this? Can anyone tell me if I am doing something wrong, or is Condor not intended to work like this? It seems that Condor is flexible enough to handle any scenario, but I am unsure of how to accomplish this behavior.
I am using the following macros, but no matter what I do I cannot get all slots claimed by owner.
# Default sets the last macro to 1, but whether I use the defaults or make these changes, I see no change.
Also, I made the changes to the registry (all machines are windows in our pool) so the kbdd is started on login by the user in order to detect activity as suggested by others with regard to issues with Windows and console activity.
>> "CONDOR_KBDD"="c:\\condor\\bin\\condor_kbdd.exe"
I read about how to allow some jobs to claim the whole machine versus one slot, but I don't think this applies.
I am using Condor 7.4.2 and Windows XP SP3.
Thank you for the help,