On Mon, Jun 28, 2010 at 12:48 PM, Lee Schipper
<lees.san.d@xxxxxxxxx> wrote:
*** Is there a way to get a look at stdout without having to wait
until the job has been completed? ***
You can use stream_output/error submission options if you have an suitably open shared filesystem to stream to. Not sure how well this scales since streaming is done through the shadow IIRC.
Since we are running under Windows, my understanding is we must use
the Condor File Transfer Mechanism, and that stdout would be written
to a temporary file on the execution computer. Is there a way to ask
Condor to send a copy of that temporary file while the job is running?
Unfortunately no.
Alternately, in our environment we will have full control of the
execution computer(s), and so can give submitters the rights to read
temporary files directly from the execution computers - so, is there a
way to identify the name of the temporary file being used to receive
stdout so that we might open it directly?
You can find where a job is running by inspecting its ClassAd with the condor_q command. The -long option tells you everything the system knows about the job including: which machine it's running on and where its temporary directory happens to be on that machine.
You could use this information to reconstruct the appropriate UNC path to the temporary data location: \\hostname\DRIVELETTER$\path\to\execute\directory\for\job
And snoop your files that way. I'm not 100% certain all the information you need is in the job ad. But that's where I'd start looking for it.
- Ian