Hi Shouqin, Thank you for the note. I edited the condor_config as you have mentioned the following are the results. Case 1: I want Machine A to be the central manager and submitter I want Machine B to be the worker (execute the jobs only) Now my doubt is on the processes that are running, the following are the details, Machine A condor 20858 4.0 0.0 31476 2760 ? Ss 09:35 0:00 condor_master condor 20859 4.2 0.0 30476 2668 ? Ss 09:35 0:00 condor_collector -f condor 20864 18.0 0.0 30380 2668 ?
Ss 09:35 0:00 condor_negotiator -f condor 20865 16.0 0.0 32140 3248 ? Ss 09:35 0:00 condor_schedd -f root 20866 0.0 0.0 21628 1772 ? S 09:35 0:00 condor_procd -A /var/run/condor/procd_pipe.SCHEDD -S 60 -C 101 condor 20301 3.6 0.0 29388 2532 ? Ss 09:45 0:00 condor_master condor 20302 3.3 0.0 29320 2292 ? Ss 09:45 0:00 condor_startd -f condor 20309 1.0 0.0 28480 1744 ? S 09:45 0:00 /usr/sbin/condor_starter -classad condor 20310 107 0.3 1347708
16280 ? Sl 09:45 0:02 /usr/bin/java -classpath /usr/lib64/condor:/usr/lib64/condor/scimark2lib.jar:. CondorJavaInfo old 2 still i'm not getting any output from the condor_status command. if i do condor_status -any i get the output as MyType TargetType Name Scheduler None machineA.mydomain.com DaemonMaster None machineA.mydomain.com Negotiator None machineA.mydomain.com Case 2: If the machine B
is configured as submit,execute then the following processes are shown condor 20363 14.5 0.0 28032 1888 ? Ss 09:54 0:00 condor_master condor 20364 36.0 0.0 30068 3192 ? Ss 09:54 0:00 condor_schedd -f condor 20365 11.0 0.0 29320 2288 ? Ss 09:54 0:00 condor_startd -f root 20366 1.0 0.0 21760 1848 ? S 09:54 0:00 condor_procd -A /var/run/condor/procd_pipe.SCHEDD -S 60 -C 101 condor 20373 3.0 0.0 28480 1748 ? S 09:54 0:00 /usr/sbin/condor_starter -classad condor 20376 120 0.3 1348336 15948 ?
Sl 09:54 0:01 /usr/bin/java -classpath /usr/lib64/condor:/usr/lib64/condor/scimark2lib.jar:. CondorJavaInfo old 2 machine A is configured as submit,manager the following processes are shown, condor 20950 4.2 0.0 31480 2760 ? Ss 09:44 0:00 condor_master condor 20951 4.2 0.0 30476 2668 ? Ss 09:44 0:00 condor_collector -f condor 20952 17.0 0.0 30380 2664 ? Ss 09:45 0:00 condor_negotiator -f condor 20953 17.0 0.0 32136 3244 ? Ss 09:45 0:00 condor_schedd -f root 20954 0.0 0.0 21628 1776 ?
S 09:45 0:00 condor_procd -A /var/run/condor/procd_pipe.SCHEDD -S 60 -C 101 Now the condor_status result shows on both machines, slot1@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LINUX X86_64 Owner Idle 0.080 1004 0+00:00:08 slot2@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LINUX X86_64 Owner Idle 0.000 1004 0+00:00:09 slot3@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LINUX X86_64 Owner Idle 0.000 1004 0+00:00:10 slot4@xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx LINUX X86_64 Owner Idle 0.000 1004 0+00:00:11 Total Owner Claimed Unclaimed Matched Preempting
Backfill X86_64/LINUX 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 Total 4 4 0 0 0 0 0 The result for condor_status -any shows, machine A MyType TargetType Name Machine Job slot1@ machineB.domain. com. Machine Job slot1@ machineB.domain. com. Machine
Job slot1@ machineB.domain. com. Machine Job
slot1@ machineB.domain. com. Scheduler None machineA.domain. com. DaemonMaster None machineA.domain. com. Negotiator None machineA.domain. com. . machine B MyType TargetType Name Scheduler None machineB.domain.com DaemonMaster None machineB.domain. com Machine Job slot1@ machineB.domain. com. Machine Job slot2@ machineB.domain.com . Machine Job slot3@ machineB.domain.com . Machine Job slot4@ machineB.domain.com . Scheduler None machineA.domain. com. DaemonMaster None machineA.domain. com. Negotiator None machineA.domain. com. From what i understood from the documentation condor_status will show all the nodes and their slots that is running condor processes. But i think i might have done something wrong. Thank for your time, Burny