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[Condor-users] Condor and MooseFS


I'm planning to deploy for the first time Condor and MooseFS.
MooseFS is a fault tolerant, network-distributed filesystem, see
http://www.moosefs.org/ for more information.
I'm wondering if I'd have to turn some option on, like USE_AFS to
prevent unnecessary network traffic. We'll be using NFS too, so USE_NFS
will be true already.
Has anyone already used MooseFS with Condor ? I haven't been able to
find an existing case. I think everything should be ok, as a moosefs
server can also act as a client, the fs being mounted via fuse, but I'd
like some feedback if possible.

Laurent Wandrebeck
HYGEOS, Earth Observation Department / Observation de la Terre
165 Avenue de Bretagne
59000 Lille, France
tel: +33 3 20 08 24 98
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