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Re: [Condor-users] State Change Delay - Hawkeye

> Hello Condor Gurus:
> I am experience some delays (seems like up to 5 minutes) moving between
> states (Busy -> Suspended, Suspended -> Busy) when using
> CONTINUE/WANT_SUSPEND/SUSPEND expressions that contain variables defined
> in a Condor Hawkeye job.
> The Condor Hawkeye job runs every 15 seconds. The output of the job
> contains a definition (POVB_HostOsKeyboardIdle). The relevant
> configuration settings are below -
> $(POVB_RELEASE_DIR)/bin/povb_hawkeye_stats

Why do you have AUTOPUBLISH set to NEVER?  If you want to see the state pushed 
to the collector every time it's changed, set AUTOPUBLISH=IF_CHANGED.


> The local configuration file also contains
> POVB_HostOsKeyboardIdle = 0
> KeyboardBusy = (POVB_HostOsKeyboardIdle < 5 * $(MINUTE))
> ConsoleBusy = (POVB_HostOsKeyboardIdle < 5 * $(MINUTE))
> The first line is there to make sure that KeyboardBusy and ConsoleBusy
> do not evaluate to UNDEFINED before Condor runs the Hawkeye job for the
> first time, but the value of POVB_HostOsKeyboardIdle should be redefined
> everytime the Hawkeye job runs.
> I can watch the output of the Hawkeye job and can mentally evaluate the
> WANT_SUSPEND/SUSPEND expressions - but it takes Condor up to 5 minutes
> after these expressions should go to TRUE to change the state. The
> POLLING_INTERVAL is set to be 5 seconds - with the debug flags on, I can
> see Condor performing these updates every 5 seconds, but the state does
> not change. It is only when I see <eval_and_update_all> (which occurs
> every 5 minutes) that the state finally changes.
> I assume the frequency of <eval_and_update_all> is related to the
> Collector update time (UPDATE_INTERVAL). Is this correct? I certainly do
> not want to update the collector every 5-15 seconds, just move between
> the states.
> Am I missing anything?
> Thanks for all of your help and assistance. It is greatly appreciated!
> David
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           <<< The answer is out there, Neo. >>>
 /`-_    Nicholas R. LeRoy               The Condor Project
{     }/ http://www.cs.wisc.edu/~nleroy  http://www.cs.wisc.edu/condor
 \    /  nleroy@xxxxxxxxxxx              The University of Wisconsin
 |_*_|   608-265-5761                    Department of Computer Sciences