If you do not care about standard universe, you can try a clipped
./configure --enable-proper --disable-full-port
--disable-gcc-version-check --disable-glibc-version-check
I usually also add --disable-static
On Tue, 2010-01-05 at 16:42 -0500, Jungha Woo wrote:
Dear Condor users,
I'm trying to compile condor 7.4.1 using NMI build.
I submitted my job to Red hat enterprise linux 3 (RHEL3) machines having
gcc-4.1.2 and java-1.5.0_08( gcc-3.4.3 gave me the same error)
and executed "configure --without-gsoap".
The error I am getting is like the following
checking architecture... I386
checking generic operating system... LINUX
checking operating system version... LINUX_RHEL3
checking system identifying string... i386_rhel3
checking kernel revision... 2.4.21
checking platform name...
checking exact libc version... GLIBC 2.3.2
checking if /home/condor/execute/dir_1214/userdir/config is valid... yes
checking for a build id to use... none specified
checking if /home/condor/execute/dir_1214/userdir/externals is valid... yes
checking for gcc... gcc
checking for libvirt... yes
checking for gsoap... no
checking if we have libc.a... /home/condor/execute/dir_1214/userdir/externals/install/glibc-
configure: creating ./config.status
config.status: creating ../config/configure.cf
config.status: creating ../config/externals.cf
config.status: creating ../config/config.sh
config.status: creating config.h
../imake/imake: /lib/tls/libc.so.6: version `GLIBC_2.4' not found (required by ../imake/imake)
CONFIGURE returned a code of 256
I also tried to compile with "--disable-glibc-version-check" but got the
same error message.
Changing gcc requirement to 3.4.3 did not work either.
Can anyone give me a hint to fix this error?
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