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Re: [Condor-users] FW: Problems creating a CondorView Client
- Date: Wed, 23 Jan 2008 11:29:41 -0500
- From: "Alex Alas" <aalas@xxxxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: Re: [Condor-users] FW: Problems creating a CondorView Client
Hello to
all and thank you in advance for your help,
I am in
charge of implementing a Condor-Pilot in my organization. I am a newbie in
Condor and my expertise only covers Windows Systems; so far I have
been able to complete successfully the initial configuration. I have no
experience with Unix systems only Windows OS. In fact our pilot is configured in
a Windows XP SP1 box. So far I configured the central-manager and a CondorView
Server successfully in separate systems meaning that both servers according to
the collectorlog and masterlog from both server are seeing each other and
communicating. The problem is when I try to configure the CondorView Client.
Trying to follow the instructions on the manual on how to set it up is a little
bit confusing specially at two stages:
POOL_HISTORY_DIR=/full/path/to/directory/to store/historical/data... When I
enter the location I received the error depicted above:
12/21 11:13:14 enable: Creating
stats hash table
12/21 11:13:14 Configuration:
SAMPLING_INTERVAL=60, MAX_STORAGE=10000000, MaxFileSize=333333,\condor\ViewHist
b) After
downloading the View_Client contrib module and filling the information requested
to customize the setting there is a PATH with the following
VIEWDIR="\condor\VIEWDIR". Am I correct
using this string?
STATSDIR="\condor\bin". Am I
correct using this string?
Now type
"./make_stats setup" This last line is a unix command I don' know if I need
to translate in windows as: make_stats setup
Any help or
input is appreciated.
Fugro EarthData Inc.
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