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[Condor-users] TUGS'08: a three-day course in large-scale and high performance Grid computing
- Date: Mon, 7 Jan 2008 16:10:19 -0600
- From: Alain Roy <roy@xxxxxxxxxxx>
- Subject: [Condor-users] TUGS'08: a three-day course in large-scale and high performance Grid computing
(Mailing this on behalf of Alina Bejan.)
PLEASE JOIN US for an exciting 3-day course in large-scale and
high-performance Grid Computing to take place
February 6-8, 2008, at Tuskegee University, Tuskegee, AL.
The Open Science Grid (OSG) is a major national Grid infrastructure that
provides scientists with access to over 20,000 CPUs and 4 Petabytes of
storage to advance their research. OSG includes collaborators from
particle and nuclear physics, astrophysics, bioinformatics,
gravitational-wave science and computer science, who both contribute to
and benefit from the grid infrastructure. Applications - virtually any
area of science - as diverse as mathematics, medicine, neuroscience,
sociology, economics and nanotechnology can also gain from interactions
with OSG through its partnership with local and regional grids or use of
the OSG software stack.
We invite you to learn more about Grid and high-throughput computing and
its implications in various research areas through this intensive OSG
course that introduces techniques of Grid and distributed computing for
science and engineering through hands-on training in the use of
large-scale grid computing resources.
The course will focus on enabling the use of OSG and TeraGrid
cyberinfrastructure to perform large-scale computations and
data-intensive processing in different application domains. Participants
will learn how to use grids of thousands of processors and will be able
to continue to use these resources for their research after completion
of the course.
The workshop will cover:
* Concepts, tools, and techniques of grid computing
* Grid security and program execution
* Grid scheduling and distributed data management
* Discovering and using Grid resources
* Techniques for workflow and collaboration
* How to build your own OSG Grid site
Undergraduate and graduate students, researchers, educators and
professionals in any scientific, engineering or computational discipline
may apply. Applicants should have at least intermediate programming
skills (one to two semesters experience in C/C++, Java, Perl or Python)
and hands-on experience with UNIX / Linux in a networked environment,
and compelling project to apply Grid techniques to after attending the
Deadline for Applications: Jan 12, 2008
To apply, please fill out the form at
Acceptance and Financial Support Notification: Jan 19, 2008
Deadline for registration and hotel booking: Jan 26, 2008
The course is provided at no charge to full-time students.
Registration for researchers, academics and professionals is $50.
A registration deposit will be required for all participants, refunded
to students on completion.
Limited travel support will be offered to the most qualified students
For information on TUGS'08 including syllabus, timetable, lectures and
labs, please visit or
send email to tugs08 (at)