On 4/11/07, o c <send_junk_here_10101@xxxxxxxxxxx> wrote:
Apparently this question is a source of great amusement to long time Condor users.
The developers insist on referring to it as open source. I have heard Miron Livny and Dan Bradley do so in talks. The "ask and we'll consider it" approach is not typical of what people understand by the term "open source", but then it is an ambiguous phrase, I guess. Condor folks: is there any hope that it will become open source in the normal way even if the code is untidy/hard to compile/any other reason that has been quoted for current situation?
IMHO I suspect that the recent focus on security issues is indicative of a desire to fix one the (percieved) critical issues before opening the source to the world. I make no value judgements either way as to the utility or otherwise of the above - just making a guess :) Matt